Chabad Jewish Center presents

at the Sun Valley Inn
Sunday, August 26, 6:30 PM

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RSVP: Phone 853-9200 or click here for online registration.

EXTREME MAKEOVER: Mystical Edition
Does Your Soul Fit Your Body?

Suggested Donation
$180 Sponsor
$1000 Patron
No one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Laibl Wolf, who lives in Australia, is a dynamic and world-acclaimed ‘life coach’ and celebrated author and lecturer. His best-selling book, Practical Kabbalah, introduces readers to the ancient teachings of Jewish spirituality and he is a skillful exponent of their practical application to contemporary life challenges. Internationally acclaimed motivator, Rabbi Wolf has been described by some as the ‘kabbalah-enriched synthesis of Deepak Chopra, Steven Covey and Anthony Robbins’. He lives with his wife and family in Melbourne, Australia, but lectures annually in over sixty cities around the world.  He is a very successful personal coach & business consultant whose client base includes some of the foremost Jewish and business leaders in the world. He has been a keynote presenter at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention; at the International Gawler Foundation Mind/Body and Wellness Conference, at the Fortune 500 Convention, and others. He is founding lecturer in Jewish Mysticism and Spirituality at Melbourne University (Australia).

Creator of a phenomenon called MindYoga™, Laibl Wolf is a pioneer and a visionary extraordinaire. Known to many as a spiritual mentor and mystic for the past 32 years, he has worked as a global teacher of new age philosophies.
Laibl brings "old age" wisdom to the "new age", drawing his teachings from the ancient and previously encrypted texts of the Kabbalah. These mysterious and esoteric Kabbalistic texts are the source for much of the new age wisdom that we are familiar with today, and Rabbi Laibl Wolf is the master of these sources.
Although a Hassidic Rabbi, his teachings are universal, open to people of all backgrounds and spiritual orientations. Laibl's teachings focus on personal growth and emotional mastery. He uses the wisdom contained in the 4,000-year-old Kabalistic texts to reveal the inner workings of the mind-emotion balance.
Although based on ancient and traditional wisdom, Laibl's philosophies are modern and progressive, and facilitate the growth of one's inner spirit in a technologically driven society.
While spiritually based, Laibl's teachings are highly pragmatic. They are derived from Jewish mysticism, which is known to hold the key to the mysteries of cosmic and human consciousness. His teachings bring his audience to deeper levels of spiritual enlightenment. A leader in emotion mastery, Laibl has translated these complicated esoteric insights into a practical system of application to the minutiae of everyday life. He is able to help people discover the motivation behind their thoughts and emotions, which enables them to understand their behavioral patterns. To this end, Laibl developed the original system of "Behavioral Kabbalah", which transmutes the ancient mystical teachings into a pathway of personal fulfillment.
The son of Polish Holocaust survivors, Laibl is also a lawyer and educational psychologist, specializing in teenage rebellion. He is the Founder and Director of the Human Development Institute, a foundation dedicated to the progress of humankind through insight and personal mastery. He received his rabbinic ordination from the Chief Rabbi of Israel, and has studied under the great Hassidic masters, his foremost mentor being the revered Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson who was known globally for the passionate wisdom he bestowed on humankind.
Melbourne University has appointed Rabbi Wolf as its founding lecturer in Jewish Mysticism and Spirituality.
Addressing groups as divergent as the American Psychological Association, the Fortune 500 convention, and Buddhist monks, he is often the keynote speaker at worldwide conferences such as the recent "Argentinean Economy and Psycho/Spiritual Solutions" in Argentina. As Laibl is attuned to the similarities between Eastern spirituality and Kabbalistic teachings, he has met with many leaders of other spiritual communities, including The Dalai Lama.
Laibl has written and produced a highly regarded series of meditation and self-mastery audiovisual materials, which are sold internationally, and is the author of the bestselling book, Practical Kabbalah (Three Rivers Press™ of Random House, Inc., 1999). He has lectured in over 350 cities across the globe, and is a sought after speaker, conducting retreats, seminars, master classes and training programs continually throughout the world. Through his meditation techniques and MindYoga™ approach, Laibl's audiences are able to master their emotions and empower their lives.
Rabbi Wolf lives in Melbourne, Australia with his wife, Leah, and the younger two of their seven children.
Wolf's seminar (or "spiritual adventure", as he likes to call it), will guide listeners to recognize the spiritual dynamics of the human body and its relationship to the cosmos, experience meditations to heal the body and soul, discover the motivation behind thoughts and emotions, make heartfelt compassion practical, and - at the risk of cliché - develop life-changing positive attitudes.

Please call 208.853.9200 for more information and upcoming events.