VISITOR INFORMATION: Click here for visitor information.
There are no kosher restaurants in Idaho.
Trader Joe's in downtown Boise and in Meridian carries raw kosher chicken and beef (limited selection, which varies). They also carry some kosher wines, an on-and-off selection of Pas Yisroel bakes goods, including buns and baquettes (MK), batard (Scroll K), bagels, (OK), Challah (Earth K), babka and black and white cookies (OU), and Cholov Yisroel feta cheese (Badatz Mehadrin).
Whole Foods in downtown Boise (401 S Broadway Ave, Boise, ID 83702) sometimes carries frozen kosher chicken (and occasionally frozen turkey). They also carry at least one kosher wine and sometimes carry Pas Yisroel Challah and babka (OU).
The Boise Co-op in the North End carries a small selection of kosher wines.
Many of the Walmart stores carry Pas Yisroel bagels (with OK Pas Yisroel certification, in the refrigerated section).
Some local supermarkets, such as Albertsons and Fred Meyer, have minimal kosher sections (dry goods only). Manischewitz wine, grape juice, Shabbat candles, yahrzeit candles, matzo, and other limited dry goods are available (selection varies by store).
The Marketplace Albertsons Supermarket at 1219 Broadway Ave, Boise, ID 83706 has a great selection of award-winning Kosher Israeli wines (ask for Stephen Walker, the sommelier) and an average kosher dry goods selection. Before Pesach, they also carry a selection of refrigerated and frozen products, such as meats, dairy, gefilte fish, and prepared meals.
The Marketplace Albertsons at Eagle and Fairview in Meridian, 3499 E Fairview Ave, Meridian, ID 83642 also carries some Israeli kosher wines.
Chabad Jewish Center periodically arranges for a bulk order of kosher products. By the case only. Please contact us for more information.
If you are visiting Boise and are in need of kosher meals, please contact the Chabad Jewish Center to request arrangements. We do not have a full-scale catering business but are happy to do our best to accommodate the kosher traveler.
Click here for our boutique kosher catering menu and ordering page.
Idaho Kosher is a local resource offering kosher certification, supervision, and inspection for caterers, wholesale and retail food vendors, food production companies and food transport companies in Idaho and the vicinity. Click here for more information.
To learn more about kosher click here.