FROM JTA Breaking News on August 10, 2007

Chabad on the prowl in former Aryan Nations stronghold

Two Chabad rabbis are in a former neo-Nazi stronghold in Idaho as part of an annual summer excursion.

The pair are seeking out area Jews around Coeur d'Alene, the largest city in the Idaho panhandle and once the center of a thriving neo-Nazi network anchored by the Aryan Nations, which operated from a compound in nearby Hayden.

Rabbi Yitzchok Steiner and Levi Slonim are seeking out the areas several hundred Jewish families, sometimes resorting to trolling for Jewish names in the phone book.

"We hope to meet as many Jews as possible," they told the local Spokesman Review newspaper. "When we meet them and they do a good deed, we hope to bring them back to their heritage."