
Memorial Board

  • Located in our lobby is an elegant wood and brass memorial board for the purpose of inscribing and eternalizing the names of departed loved ones on individual plaques.

    Special thanks to Sari and Rebekah Levy for donating the main plaque
    in memory of their father, Paul E. Levy, of blessed memory.


    Standard Plaque $500
    Double Plaque $1000
    Flame Plaque $1800
    Candle Plaque $3600

    The initial cost for inscription on a plaque is listed above. Each year thereafter, a contribution of any size will be accepted on the Yahrzeit. For a memorial plaque above the standard size, please call 208.853.9200 to discuss wording and placement.

    Only one name may be inscribed on a standard-sized plaque. Larger plaques can have multiple names, space permitting.

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