Annual Hebrew School Tuition for the 2024/2025 school year is as follows:
Grades K-8: $700, includes all book and art fees.
Chabad Hebrew School students are also given complimentary admission to cKids Holiday Clubs.
Synagogue membership is not required.
Affiliated and non-affiliated are welcome.
Scholarships available. No child will be turned away for lack of funds.
10% discount for additional children in same family.
$25 discount per child for early-bird registration, expires August 31, 2024.
$100 account credit for a new family referral.
(All scholarships, discounts and credits will be applied to total tuition bill).
Please Note: Hebrew School tuition is not a monthly or class-based fee, but a one-time charge. As a courtesy, we offer installment payment plans. Chabad does not refund tuition for classes missed.
If you would like to make financial arrangements not listed on the registration page, please contact our office.
Click here to register online.
A $75 deposit is due with each registration. Upon acceptance into Chabad Hebrew School the deposit is not refundable and will be applied to tuition balance.