Calendar Advertising 

Advertise your business in the most widely distributed Jewish publication in Idaho.
Send a personal greeting to the community! 
Include the yahrtzeit, birthday, or anniversary of a dear one.


Chabad Lubavitch of Idaho produces Idaho's only Jewish calendar with local Jewish events and times for Shabbat and holidays for cities throughout Idaho.

This calendar is an annual hit.  We have received numerous requests for the calendar and are continuously looking to update it with more relevant information.

It is mailed, free of charge, to Jewish residents throughout Idaho.

We offer advertising space to promote your business or service to the Jewish community - or to simply send a message to the comunity and contribute to Jewish causes in Idaho.

You may also send a personal greeting to the community!  Include the yahrtzeit, birthday, or anniversary of a dear one.

This is a wonderful way to promote your business and show your care for loved ones while supporting Jewish activities in Idaho.

  Why advertise in this


 Ø         Year round exposure to Idaho’s Jewish households & businesses

 Ø         Referred to over and over 365 days a year

 Ø         Mailed free of charge to Idaho’s entire Jewish  Community

 Ø         Idaho’s only local Jewish Calendar

 Ø         Important Holiday information

 Ø         Local Shabbat & Holiday times for cities across Idaho

 Ø         Historical facts & insights

 Ø         Local Jewish Events

To advertise or for more information please contact us at 208.853.9200 or e-mail us.

For advertising rates and info click here.

To order a FREE copy of the calendar click here.

You may fax the form to 208.853.9201.