Number of children*
Child First Name Child Last Name
Hebrew & Nickname*
First Name Nickname
Birth Date*
Student Phone Number
Student Email
Grade Entering*
Pre-K K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Previous Jewish Education*
Hebrew Reading Proficiency*
None Poor Fair Good Excellent
Does student have any General Studies learning difficulties? If yes, please describe.*
Yes, I want to register for Chabad Hebrew School*
Name 2*
Child First Name Child Last Name
Hebrew & Nickname 2*
First Name Nickname
Gender 2*
Birth Date 2*
Student 2 Phone Number
Student 2 Email
School 2*
Grade Entering 2*
Pre-K K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Previous Jewish Education 2*
Hebrew Reading Proficiency 2*
None Poor Fair Good Excellent
Does student 2 have any General Studies learning difficulties? If yes, please describe.*
Yes, I want to register for Chabad Hebrew School*
Name 3*
Child First Name Child Last Name
Hebrew & Nickname 3*
First Name Nickname
Gender 3*
Birth Date 3*
Student 3 Phone Number
Student 3 Email
School 3*
Grade Entering 3*
Pre-K K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Previous Jewish Education 3*
Hebrew Reading Proficiency 3*
None Poor Fair Good Excellent
Does student 3 have any General Studies learning difficulties? If yes, please describe.*
Yes, I want to register for Chabad Hebrew School*
Name 4*
Child First Name Child Last Name
Hebrew & Nickname 4*
First Name Nickname
Gender 4*
Birth Date 4*
Student 4 Phone Number
Student 4 Email
School 4*
Grade Entering 4*
Pre-K K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Previous Jewish Education 4*
Hebrew Reading Proficiency 4*
None Poor Fair Good Excellent
Does student 4 have any General Studies learning difficulties? If yes, please describe.*
Yes, I want to register for Chabad Hebrew School*
Home Phone Number*
Parent/Guardian Marital Status*
Married Single Divorced Separated
Parent 1 (or Guardian) Name*
First Name Last Name
Parent 1 Type*
Mother Father Guardian
Parent 1 Occupation*
Parent 1 Business Phone*
Parent 1 E-mail*
Parent 1 Cell Phone*
Parent 2 (or Guardian) Name*
First Name Last Name
Parent 2 Address*
Parent 2 Home Phone Number*
Parent 2 Type*
Mother Father Guardian
Parent 2 Occupation*
Parent 2 Business Phone*
Parent 2 E-mail*
Parent 2 Cell Phone*
Father's Religion*
Jewish by birth Jewish by conversion Not Jewish
Mother's Religion*
Jewish by birth Jewish by conversion Not Jewish
Is child adopted or born through surrogacy*
Synagogue Affiliation*
Were there any conversions or adoptions in the family (including parents and grandparents)?*
1. Child/ren may be picked up from Hebrew School by:
Name and Relationship
2. Child/ren may be picked up from Hebrew School by:
Name and Relationship
Emergency Contact Name*
First Name Last Name
Phone Number*
Family Physician*
First Name Last Name
Phone Number*
Medical Insurance Company*
Insurance Group Number
Primary Insured Policy Number*
Child Policy Number*
Child 2 Policy Number*
Child 3 Policy Number*
Child 4 Policy Number*
COVID-19 AGREEMENT* At the moment, we do not anticipate any COVID-19 restrictions or protocols.
Signature of Parent or Guardian*
Date & Time*
My child/ren is permitted to be given Children's Tylenol, Motrin or similar:*
Is your child/ren allergic to any medications?*
Please specify medical allergies.
Is your child/ren allergic to any foods?*
Please specify food allergies.
Is your child/ren up to date on all immunizations?*
Does your child/ren have a medical, developmental or emotional condition that camp should be aware of?*
Please specify condition(s).*
Please specify previous group experience(s) in which your child has participated.*
Please describe your child's strengths and/or weakness (physical, emotional, intellectual):*
What are your child's particular strengths and talents?*
Favorite Activity:
Please specify previous group experience(s) in which your child 2 has participated.*
Please describe your child's strengths and/or weakness (physical, emotional, intellectual) 2:*
What are your child 2's particular strengths and talents?*
Child 2 Favorite Activity:
Please specify previous group experience(s) in which your child 3 has participated.*
Please describe your child's strengths and/or weakness (physical, emotional, intellectual) 3:*
What are your child 3's particular strengths and talents?*
Child 3 Favorite Activity:
Please specify previous group experience(s) in which your child 4 has participated.*
Please describe your child's strengths and/or weakness (physical, emotional, intellectual) 4:*
What are your child 4's particular strengths and talents?*
Child 4 Favorite Activity:
What other information is important to your child/ren's success?
Signature of Parent or Guardian*
Date & Time*
Payment Options*
Should be Empty: