Join us on
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
for a talk by
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet
Rabbi of Mill Hill Synagogue
London, England
Searching for the Hero Inside Yourself:
Life too taxing? Family or work too demanding? There's much more to you than you know. Discover how to stay positive and unleash your unique potential.
FOLLOWED BY Q&A with Rabbi Schochet on any Jewish topic!
Contact us to submit your question.
(Questions submitted in advance will be given priority).
What's YOUR question?
at the Chabad Jewish Center
3813 W State St, Boise
Suggested donation: $10
Please contact us to donate toward or help sponsor this event.
Space is limited. Click here to RSVP.
“He’s extremely entertaining…”
The London Times
“…the rebel rabbi doubled his synagogue attendance in four years”
The Daily Mail
“…one of the most outspoken Rabbis in the world”
The Jewish Chronicle
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet, M.A. is the rabbi of London’s Mill Hill Synagogue since 1993; under his leadership membership has grown to over 1400 members.
Rabbi Schochet is a columnist for the Jewish News, Diary Rabbi for The Guardian, and has published in The London Times and Time Magazine International. Named by The Jewish Telegraph as one of the ten most influential rabbis in the United Kingdom, Schochet is a regular panelist for the BBC’s The Big Question series.
Rabbi Schochet also serves as Honorary Principal of Rosh Pinah Primary School in Edgware and the Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School in Mill Hill.
Rabbi Schochet serves on the Chief Rabbi’s Cabinet, served as vice-chairman of the Rabbinical Council of the United Synagogue for three years, and chairman for three years.
He lectures extensively throughout England, Continental Europe, North America, and Australia. Rabbi Schochet and his wife, Chani - a London native – have five children.