with Rabbi Pinny Gniwisch
Delicious Shabbat Dinner ~ Guest Speaker ~ Mesmerizing Melodies
LIFE IN THE BALANCE: Juggling business, family, and Judaism in the 21st century
RSVP required
LIFE IN THE BALANCE: Juggling business, family, and Judaism in the 21st century
RSVP required
Celebrate Pesach
Seder Reservations, Sale of Chametz, Shmurah Matzah, Passover Megasite and More!
Adults only!
Discover the truth about passion, intimacy and relationships in Judaism. Journey through the spiritual, metaphysical, psychological and practical aspects of what it means to connect at the deepest of levels.
Noted Kabbalist Shimona Tzukernik will speak at the Chabad Jewish Center.
Noted Kabbalist Shimona Tzukernik will speak at the Chabad Jewish Center.
Ten Commendments & Dairy Buffet
Come hear the Ten Commandments and reaffirm the covenant with G‑d and His Torah.
Since we all stood at Mount Sinai, we must all reaffirm our commitment. Babies, young children, the elderly, all that are able should attend.
Followed by dairy buffet Kiddush.
Since we all stood at Mount Sinai, we must all reaffirm our commitment. Babies, young children, the elderly, all that are able should attend.
Followed by dairy buffet Kiddush.
The Rebbe's 18th Yahrzeit
Evening of Inspiration in honor of Gimmel Tammuz, the 18th Yahrzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneersohn.
Reserve Now!
Please join us for a delicious Rosh Hashana Dinner with a warm and friendly community spirit, great stories and discussions, and traditional Rosh Hashanah foods such as apple dipped in honey.
Our Doors are Open
The Doors of Heaven are Open and so are Ours. Please join us for meaningful and inspirational services in Hebrew and English.
Hakafot Festivities
Bring yourself, your family and all your friends for pure unadulterated joy as we dance with the Torah, with all our heart and soul!
Kiddush Buffet dinner will be served.
Monday, October 8, 8:00 PM.
Kiddush Buffet dinner will be served.
Monday, October 8, 8:00 PM.