Sometimes we feel like life is linear, leaving behind what once was.
But, other times, we sense that we end up exactly where we began. It may be good, or not-so-good. But, it seems to happen in some fashion quite frequently.
Perhaps it’s a relationship. Maybe it’s a career. Or a place.
What does that say about our destiny?
In this week’s parsha, Vayechi, we find two such examples. And both are about burial.
When Yaakov (Jacob) was buried in Israel, Eisav (Esau) his brother came to protest the funeral procession, claiming that he was the rightful heir to the final resting spot in the Cave of Machpelah. An argument ensued. Before Yaakov’s sons were able to produce documentation, a deaf grandson of Yaakov took a sword and severed Eisav’s head, which rolled into the Cave of Machpelah and came to rest in Yitzchok’s (Isaac’s) lap, where it remains to this day.
Eisav didn’t exactly follow in his father Yitzchak’s tradition. Yet, he ended up buried together with his father. Well, at least his head.
We also find that Yosef (Joseph) is buried in Shechem (Nablus). Interestingly, that’s the fateful location where the brothers accosted him and eventually sold him into slavery.
One commentary explains that, “This is analogous to thieves who stole a barrel full of wine; when the owner found them, he said: “Be so kind, when you finish drinking up the wine, to put the barrel back in its place.” So too, Joseph was kidnapped by his brothers in Shechem, and to Shechem they returned his bones.”
Eisav goes back to Yitzchak. Yosef goes back to Shechem.
What does all this mean?
Aside from the symbolism in Eisav’s head lone returning to Yitzchak, it demonstrates that we must always remain loyal to our roots. Sometimes we look how detached we have become; how distant we are from our origins. At other times we feel like we have achieved so much and have outgrown our humble beginnings. But, in each circumstance, Almighty G-d reminds us of the importance of recognizing where we come from. Bearing in mind our source and roots helps us achieve our ultimate destiny.