

Friday, 27 December, 2013 - 9:00 am

Nowadays a therapy exists for every challenge. For this there is yoga and for that there is a new cleansing diet.  No matter what the (non-medical) ailment is - some healing pro has created a method to deal with the demons within.

Have we found the cure to all of life's challenges? Can we all overcome obesity, laziness and bad habits? Is there anything we cannot control? 


In this week's parsha Va'eira we read about the beginning of the Exodus. G-d brings destruction upon Egypt in the form of the Ten Plagues.

When G-d promises Moshe that He will indeed free the Jewish people from Egyptian bondage, He uses four expression in His promise: I will bring you out; I will save you; I will redeem you; I will take you to Myself as a nation. It is corresponding to these four expressions that we drink four cups of wine on Passover.

Why does G-d state His promise in four different ways?

Some commentaries explain that the expressions reflect that not only will G-d deliver the Jewish people from the boundaries of Egypt, but that He will prevent any future assertion of Egyptian bondage over the Jewish people.

Thus, He will bring out the Jewish people from Egypt's borders; He will save the Jewish people from Egypt's far-reaching, extraneous control; He will prevent any future enslavement; and He will give the Torah to His chosen people. - the very purpose of the Exodus.


Still, I am left to wonder, why couldn't G-d simply obliterate Egypt, obviating the need for other protections and preventions?

The founder of the Chabad movement, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, whose yahrzeit is observed today (the 24th of Tevet), interprets the Jewish people's departure from Egypt as a step in the right direction. Sadly, the Jews were unable to overcome the spiritual tyranny of Pharaoh and the depravity of Egypt.  They were still struggling with the demons that Egypt had nurtured within the Jewish souls.

Although they were not sufficiently mighty or mature to prevail over the spirit of Egypt, they still had another option: Just leave. 


There are times when we do not seem to possess the strength or tools to wrestle with the demons inside.  The imperfect Exodus from Egypt teaches us that there is another option - abandonment.  Sometimes we cannot master our temptations, proclivities and routines. But we always are capable of saying no. We can simply turn away and focus on other things.

Have we truly conquered the demon within? Possibly not. (That's another level and another lesson). Today, just do what you truly can control. In fact, using this approach, we never have an excuse for inaction.

The Torah argues that - at times - some battles are better left for another day. 

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