
Tall & Humble

Thursday, 7 April, 2011 - 8:00 pm

In explaining the need for a person stricken with Tzaraat to utilize both cedar wood and hyssop for purification, the Midrash explains that since he has exalted himself like a cedar, he should humble himself like a grass. In other words this week’s parsha of Metzorah instructs the use of both a tall tree and a shrub to symbolize the need for humility. After all, Tzaraat is an ailment brought on by Lashon Harah, speaking ill of someone – so its remedy is a good dose of modesty.

But if the point is that he should display true humbleness, why is the cedar part of the purification process?


To better understand this let’s consider the fact that the Torah labels Moshe the humblest of all people to walk this earth. Strange that the man who had a hand in bringing ten plagues upon Egypt, splitting the sea, bringing manna from heaven and delivering G-d’s wisdom to mankind – he is the most humble man ever. How could all that accomplishment be discarded? Was Moshe in denial? It’s obvious that he accomplished more than me and you! How can the Torah declare him the most humble of men?

Humility really isn’t about comparing achievements to others. Rather, true humility is realizing one’s G-d-given abilities and standing tall to maximize them – without letting that get to your head.  So how do I prevent it from getting to my head?

Moshe was incredibly aware that he was the only one to whom G-d spoke "face to face.” But he also was humbled by those very gifts that G-d had given him. Through rising to the occasion he felt diminished by the responsibility of his greatness.  He was not humble despite his prominence. He was humble because of his importance.

To be truly humble is to be confident in the responsibility with which we are entrusted – yet to appreciate the awesomeness of that duty.

Don’t strip yourself of ideals and goals to become humble. Don’t denigrate your talents in the name of humility. Rise like a cedar and reach for the stars – but remember the deep purpose and immense task that is none but yours.

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