
Rabbi's Blog

Rabbi Mendel's Blog

Rabbi Mendel's blog features his Dvar Torah (Torah lesson) column from the weekly E-TORAH, ocassional musings and other articles that he authors from time to time.
Your comments are welcome.

The Bare Minimum

As parents, teachers, employers or simply human beings we often struggle with finding the right balance. Balance between reward and punishment. Balance between enjoyment and discipline. Balance between diet and obsession.

How do we ensure that we are not going overboard when punishing our child? When demanding of our employees? What we expect from others?


In the parsha Va’eirah, which we study this week, G-d begins letting Egypt know who’s in charge. First comes the plague of blood, then frogs and lice.  Seven more will follow.

The Torah describes the onset of the second plague as follows: “And Ahron stretched forth his hand over the waters of Egypt, and the frog came up and covered the land of Egypt.”

St… Read More »

Marching Orders

“Weeping is lodged in one side of my heart, and joy is lodged in the other,” states the Zohar, Judaism’s fundamental mystical text.

It’s hard to imagine the absolute presence of two opposite emotions simultaneously. Yet, this is the feeling many of us may have upon receiving the news of Israel signing a ceasefire agreement.  Our joy knows no bounds at the hopeful release of hostages who have suffered immeasurable torment.

And, our hearts are shattered at the knowledge that many languish behind, that terrorists are being freed with a promise to make October 7 look like child’s play G-d Forbid, that Hamas will continue to terrorize Israel and the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip.

So, how should we be feeling… Read More »


In light of the situation in California, I'm sharing a thought by a former yeshiva-mate of mine.

We pray for those in harm's way and for those who have lost so much.

By Rabbi Eli Friedman, Chabad of Calabasas

The thing about evacuations is, you can only take what's most important when you go. And so, suddenly you're asking yourself, what's most important?

And when all is said and done, even some of the most expensive items you own don't make onto that rarest of all lists. Expensive equipment, designer clothing, luxury jewelry - forget about it. Why, your most expensive possession of all - your house - is left behind.

Only that which is truly priceless gets to come with you. Things that mean the whole world to you and yet you proba… Read More »

A Cause Worth Fighting For

In 1985, at the Library of Lubavitch World Headquarters, precious and rare books began mysteriously disappearing. Eventually, it was discovered that a relative of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, who had left the fold, was surreptitiously removing books from the library.

Hundreds of priceless religious tomes went missing, many of which were found to have been sold on the black market.

In a tragic part of Chabad history, a court case ensued to recover the stolen books. On 5 Tevet 5747 (January 6, 1987), the court ruled in favor of the Chabad movement. Most of the books were recovered, though some still remain at large.

The Rebbe stated that this was a cause fighting for – because it underscored the very nature of the Chassid-Rebbe relationshi… Read More »

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