
Rabbi's Blog

Rabbi Mendel's Blog

Rabbi Mendel's blog features his Dvar Torah (Torah lesson) column from the weekly E-TORAH, ocassional musings and other articles that he authors from time to time.
Your comments are welcome.

Artificial or Intelligent?

Do you use product reviews to help you determine if a product is worth purchasing?

They might be worthless.

A recent study suggests that many product reviews are AI-generated fake reviews. It’s gotten so bad, that it’s difficult to determine the authentic reviews. The star rating system is becoming more and more useless, due to Artificial Intelligence.

Makes me wonder: Are these reviews intelligent or are they artificial?

The only way to really evaluate a product or app, might be to test it out myself.


In the parsha of Re’eh that we read this week, the Torah warns us not to fall prey to the imagination and trickery of a false prophet – even if s/he performs miracles.

You shall not heed the words of that prop…Read More »

Focusing on Land

No matter what other news is in the headlines, what’s going on in Israel still takes center stage. As we continue to pray for a swift end to the suffering and the immediate release of the hostages, we often wonder why the world is so preoccupied with Israel. And, why does a piece of land play such a central role for the Jewish people? Is it worth fighting for a piece of land?


In this week’s Torah portion, Eikev, we are taught to thank G-d for the food He gives us: “And you will eat and be sated, and you shall bless the L-rd, your G-d, for the good land He has given you.” The Grace After Meals is a central part of Jewish life. We say blessings before we eat, asking G-d permission to partake of His bounty. And, we … Read More »

Celebrating Life at Death

When Rabbi Akiva was taken out for execution, it was the time for the recital of Shema, and while they combed his flesh with iron combs, he was accepting upon himself the kingship of Heaven by reciting the Shema. His disciples said to him: Our teacher, even to this point? He said to them: All my days I have been troubled by this verse, ‘You shall love the L-rd, your G-d… with all your soul’, which I interpret, ‘even if He takes your soul.’  I said: When shall I have the opportunity of fulfilling this? Now that I have the opportunity shall I not fulfill it?

On Tisha B’Av we read about the cruel murder of the Ten Martyrs, including Rabbi Akiva. As the above quote from the Talmud indicates, he was eag… Read More »

Our Greatest Cheerleader

Parenting is a very rewarding privilege. But it’s also challenging.

Sometimes, when my son wants something that is not healthy for him, I need to say no. The way he sees it, I am spitefully harming him. The way I – and hopefully mature adults – see it, I am lovingly and responsibly helping him.

My daughter may wish to swim alone in the pool.  From her viewpoint, I’m downright nasty when I say no.  In truth, it would be hateful and reckless for me to permit any young girl, let alone my daughter, to swim alone.


In this week’s parsha, Devarim, we read the beginning of Moshe’s month-long rebuke of the Jewish people at the conclusion of his life.

He chastises them that, “You said, &lsquo… Read More »

War of Revenge?

This week we learned of the dramatic deaths of several enemies of the Jewish people. These terrorists had the blood of many innocent people on their hands, and the fact that they were eliminated in diverse locations with unique (possibly forever-unkown) methods is testament to the remarkable efforts of Israeli (and other?) intelligence, defense, and security services.

Israel has been clear that eliminating terrorists saves lives – for all human beings. Israel does not profess to carry out revenge killings, though its enemies do.

However, in this week’s parsha we find a fascinating and perhaps perplexing instruction from G-d. The Almighty tells Moshe that he will pass soon. But, Hashem requires of him one final act.

“Tak…Read More »

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