At some point in our lives, we inevitably blame G-d.
If something goes wrong, we sometimes blame others. Once in a while, we even blame ourselves.
But, when we are out of options, we simply blame G-d.
Even atheists sometimes blame G-d. “I don’t believe in G-d because G-d would never allow A, B or C to happen.” This is actually putting blame on G-d.
So, the inevitable question is, “Who does G-d blame when things go wrong?”
In this week’s Parsha of Re’ei, the Torah enjoins us to “cleave to G-d” (Devarim/Deuteronomy 12:5). The Sages of the Talmud interpret this commandment to mean that we must “cleave to His ways: bestow kindness, bury the dead, and visit the sick, just … Read More »