Some things in life we embrace joyfully.
At other times, we are forced to deal with the situation presented to us.
Is it possible to be coerced and still embrace an undertaking with joy and passion?
In this week’s parsha, Vayigash, Yaakov (Jacob) and his entire family relocate from the land of Canaan to Egypt.
Yaakov was excited to go to Egypt in order to be reunited with his long-lost son, Yosef (Joseph).
However, he was also hesitant and fearful to leave the Holy land and dwell in the pagan land of Egypt. G-d reassures him: “Do not be afraid of going down to Egypt, for there I will make you into a great nation.”
Of course, the ultimate reason that G-d wanted Yaakov to go to Egypt would be the eventual enslavemen… Read More »