
Rabbi's Blog

Rabbi Mendel's Blog

Rabbi Mendel's blog features his Dvar Torah (Torah lesson) column from the weekly E-TORAH, ocassional musings and other articles that he authors from time to time.
Your comments are welcome.

Where's G-d?

The story is told of a CEO who was running late to a very important meeting. This was going to be the biggest business deal of his life, worth millions. He pulls up at the office building in his car, looking frantically for a parking spot. None are available. Though not much of the religious type, he calls out to G-d:  “If you find me a parking spot in the next two minutes, I’ll give $10,000 to charity.” He desperately circles around the parking lot for another minute and calls out: “G-d, I’ll give $100,000 to charity if you find me a place to park in the next 90 seconds!”  Ten seconds later a car pulls out of a spot directly in front of the building. As he zooms in, he shouts out… Read More »

Boise to Ashdod

This week I was witness to the tremendous inner strength and resilience of the Jewish faith and the Jewish people.

A certain Moroccan-born Jew, passed away this week in Boise. It was her wish to be buried in Israel, near her family in Ashdod.

Her daughter took it upon herself to ensure that her mother’s wish was correctly fulfilled. But burying a loved one in the Holy Land might be a fairly simple task if you live in New York or Los Angeles. Embarking on such a mission from Boise can be challenging at best. Especially when trying to adhere to Jewish tradition’s directive that the deceased be buried as quickly as possible. And even more so, when dealing with the State of Israel’s strict (but necessary)… Read More »

The Greatest Audience

According to Nielsen Media this past Sunday’s Super Bowl football match was the most watched program in television history, garnering over 106 million viewers. Historically, the Super Bowl has consistently attracted large numbers of television spectators, which has in turn made it the most lucrative real estate in TV advertising.  In fact, this year’s ad revenue was “down” from previous years – but the average 30-second commercial still commandeered about $2.5 million. For some prime spots CBS was asking for over $3 million.

Shelling out so much for a quick chance to prove your product might sound ridiculous to many. And yet, companies were still lining up to pay. To be sure, perennial… Read More »

Mazal Tov!

Mazal Tov!

I'd like to wish my sister Chavie a big Mazal Tov on her recent engagement. The lucky man is Shimmy Ash from Melbourne, Australia.

May the wedding be held in an auspicious time and may you both merit to build a true Jewish family and home.

May you both share many precious and loving moments together!

A Lesson From the Ladies

Some people argue that part of my rabbinic credentials lie in my reliable tardiness. That still would not be sufficient excuse for the inability to find the time to transcribe some thoughts on this week’s Torah portion, Yisro.

I do, however, have a decent defense this time.

You see, once a year, during the weekend commemorating the passing of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneersohn obm, Chabad-Lubavitch Shluchos (Rebbetzins) from around the world gather in New York for an annual conference. These great women spend much-deserved time together studying, sharing, schmoozing and maybe just breathing a breath of fresh (and freezing) air. It’s a weekend of inspiration, guidance and camaraderie that is unparalleled. In fact… Read More »

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