Boise Jewish Preschool
18 months - 5 years old
5 or 3 days programs
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Welcome to Our School
The Boise Jewish Preschool is a place where young Jewish children receive an exciting, creative and nurturing experience that will provide them with the foundation to grow educationally, socially and spiritually. We offer small classes with excellent teacher/student ratios, a professional staff of early childhood specialists and a modern facility equipped with the most educationally sound early childhood equipment and manipulatives. Most importantly, your child will receive a well rounded, enriching education, filled with Jewish traditions and customs intertwined with a wide array of academic subjects, personal development, values, socialization and learning skills. If you are looking for a remarkable Jewish preschool experience for your child,we invite you to enroll in the Boise Jewish Preschool.
Our classes are conducted in a warm and friendly environment that fosters learning and creative expression. In our program, we utilize an extensive supply of early childhood toys, games and manipulatives to give our children the hands-on experiences that they will need to expand their imaginations as well as special gymnastics, music and baking instruction.
At Boise Jewish Preschool we welcome every Jewish child regardless of background or affiliation. Our goal is to make learning interesting, exciting and stimulating through a hands-on approach. We provide for physical, intellectual and emotional growth through drama, visual aides, manipulatives, and the use of centers within the classroom such as art, science, blocks, math and literacy. Children are encouraged to use their senses to explore, experiment, and use their imagination to the fullest. We have developed our program to encourage each child to be a learner rather than a performer. A performer does everything to please others; a learner is excited about the world around her and is eager to explore it. Our staff works with the children to help develop their self-esteem through problem solving, encouraging self-expression and offering positive reinforcement.
Our teachers are carefully chosen not only for their experience and credentials, but most of all for their warmth and caring. Our teachers take delight in the children, care for their individual needs, and work tirelessly to provide the children with the greatest gift of all, a love for learning.
The Boise Jewish Preschool is led by Mrs. Esther Lifshitz, a trained and experienced early childhood educator. Esther has taught Jewish preschool for nine years and graduated the Melbourne Teacher's Seminary with a degree in early childhood instruction.
For further information, registration, or to schedule an appointment , please call our director, Esther, at

Call 208.853.9200 or e-mail to enroll for the fall semester.
Click the link below to register.